

Friday, April 14, 2023

Why Local Libraries and Archives Are Still Vital to Your Research

To read the article in full, hit here. Posted on Family History Blog by Patricia Hartley

Ever-growing access to online records means that many family history researchers aren’t taking advantage of physical repositories like they used to. But, as we discuss in this article about the important of offline records, a great deal of what we need to really understand our ancestors still cannot be found digitally.

That’s why taking advantage of libraries and record archives, in person, is still so critically important to building a successful family tree. And now that it is becoming safer and safer to travel in the covid era, most of these locations are again open to the public.

So, whether you’re doing research in your own town, making a trip to the home of an ancestor for records you can’t find (or order) online, or requesting a lookup and mailed copy of a record (this is a common service and usually not terribly expensive) make the most of the libraries and archives in the areas you are researching. This guide shares five different ways they can help you solve your family history mysteries.

And, when you’re done reading, don’t forget to find out how your local library can help you gain free access to genealogy resources online.