

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Hispanic Heritage Project Update

To all those who have been following the progress from their fundraiser to purchase 10 scanners for placing in archives in Mexico. Our organization supports their effort by donating to their cause. We have donated this year $500 to purchase scanners. If you wish to donate separately, please go to their  website. https://panes.info/

They have placed three scanners last month in March.  One to the colonial archive at Patzcuaro Michoacan, one to the Arzobispado de Guadalajara and the third to the Archivo Municipal de Hidalgo de Parral de Chihuahua.  The following is a brief summary as to why this has taken so long from their website.

After we had ordered the scanners in April last year, it took several months for the shipment to reach the US.  When we finally received them, we opened the boxes, checked to make sure everytning was in working order then sent them on their way to Mexico where they were tied up several months more at the border.  Additionally there were more delays at the various archives due to changes in leadership and other matters that are common in Mexico.  We were finally able to take a much needed breath of relief to see these scanners placed.  We look forward to the great work to be done that will aid researchers far and wide as information from the above listed archives is made accessible.  Our negotiations continue  with other archives where the remaining scanners will be placed.