

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Impact of the U.S. Government Shutdown to Genealogists

The news media is full of reports about the impact of the U.S. government shutdown, both to government employees and to private citizens alike. I see no point in repeating those stories here. However, I will say that genealogists should be aware of the impact to their research efforts.

If you were planning a genealogy research trip in the near future, you need to be aware that:

The Library of Congress is closed.

The National Archives and Records Administration buildings in the Washington, D.C., area are closed to researchers.

The National Archives and Records Administration Regional Branches all are closed.

All the document research areas overseen by the National Archives at presidential libraries are closed.

Until the shutdown ends, there will be no updates to government websites or social media.

The government offices typically used by genealogists and historians cannot respond to inquiries, conduct research, process inter-library loan (ILL) or material requests. All government-sponsored activities, workshops, and events are cancelled.

And it doesn’t stop there – other federal depositories, libraries, and facilities are closed as well.