

Thursday, July 1, 2021

GSHA-SC will have it's Library to reopen on July 6th, 2021

Please note this message is primary for our Southern California group members. As you know Covid- 19 has made many businesses and organization to revamp their services. We had to do the same, since our meeting place was closed due to state, county and city regulations. We are proud to announce that as of the 6th of July, SCGS will reopen their doors. We housed our collection of genealogy books and guides at their location. Just like us, they are a volunteer run organization. They are trying to find adequate man power to provide coverage for full capacity and hours. Please note like all businesses, they do not have enough individuals to do the work, yet alone these are elderly individuals volunteering. Please be patient and gracious.


As a group, we will not be able to meet until restriction have been lifted by the SCGS Board. But individuals can go in and research the library. Please call to see what if any restrictions there may be or what hours and days they are planning to be open.






SCGS Library Re-Opens on

Tuesday, July 6, 2021


We are so excited to open our doors and 

welcome back our members, non-members, 

family historians, and all genealogists

into our library!


The hours: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. 



The days our library will be open are as follows:

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays 

the first 2 Sundays of each month, 

& the 3rd and 4th Saturdays of each month. 



We may expand these hours and days

later on in the year, depending on the needs of our members and the availability of our beloved volunteers who staff the library. 


Special thanks to all of our members, family historians, and genealogists

who waited so patiently for the library to open again. 


Some of our interest groups and other programs will return to in-person meetings at the library, while others will remain online. All groups and programs will return to the library when the County of Los Angeles gives us the green light to do so. 




Southern California Genealogy Society and Family History Society

417 Irving Dr. 

Burbank, CA 91304



Email: scgs@scgsgenealogy.com










Southern California Genealogy Society SCGS Website