

Monday, June 5, 2023

Resources for New Mexico Genealogical Research Saturday, June 17, 2023 1:00pm PST

 The Lecture: This is a lecture to help people learn about doing genealogical research for their Indian roots in Mexico. Using a PowerPoint presentation, genealogist John Schmal will show examples of Indian baptisms and marriages from various parts of the country. He will also discuss the issue of tribal identity and the use of the generic term "indio" in Catholic Church records as early as the 1600s. Some of the challenges of tracing indigenous families beyond several generations will be discussed.

How Do I Access the Meeting Online? There is no pre-registration, but you can go to the following link to join the class at the time of the meeting: https://churchofjesuschrist.zoom.us/j/99164748407?pwd=TllYL0ZSN2puSlBSaWtyS0pwSDJxdz09

You can also use the following QR code to access with your phone: