

Friday, December 16, 2022

My DNA Results Arrived! Now What? (Zoom) Monday, January 9, 2023 1pm PST

In the past, our organization has helped with the promotion of webinars that are open to the general public. Even though we are a Hispanic genealogy group, we promote the education and knowledge that one may obtain from these presentations. Who knows if your ancestors may have some connection to these areas. Since they are free online free, we are letting our members know that these courses are available to you if you sign in and register before hand. Information to see the streaming live are below.

Genealogist Mary Eberle will provide practical actions you can take to understand how your DNA results can help your family history research.

You will learn the different types of DNA for genealogical research, with a focus on autosomal DNA; why ethnicity estimates are just that: estimates, a basic method for figuring out who your DNA matches are; and how your DNA matches can help your family research.

To register for the event, please hit here