

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Five Things You Never Post On Facebook

If you think that having your privacy settings set correctly is all you need to do to stay safe on Facebook, think again. To protect yourself and your family, there are five things you should never post on Facebook or any other social network:
You or your family’s full birth dates. This is one of the things thieves look for to steal your identity.
Photos of your children tagged with their names. Predators use this information to convince children that they aren’t really a stranger.
Posting your current location tells everyone your not home. If you are on vacation, wait until you get home to post the pictures of your trip.
Never post that you are home alone. Make sure your children don’t either.
Don’t post your relationship status. This is another way you could be letting stalkers know you are home alone.
The best rule of thumb is not to post anything that you would not want a stranger to know. And, just because your privacy settings are set correctly doesn’t protect you if one of your friend’s account is hacked.
Read in Genealogy 101: https://apple.news/ARpGWhdNjNwKq3yul_exWwg